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Thursday, 18 May 2017 15:36

End of Season and Start of Next Season

Wednesday 24th May 2017 sees the last session of the season at Steve Hale Goalkeeping School

Steve and his coaching staff would like to thank all goalkeepers and their parents for their efforts across the course of the 2016 - 2017 season.


It's been another good year, our 10th in business and we take great pride in seeing our young goalkeepers not only developing their goalkeeping skills but also meeting new people and forming friendships with other young goalkeepers that they get to work with from other clubs, schools and areas. Every week we work to our syllabus and "drip-feed" coaching points to try and help the goalkeepers develop their skills and techniques in the art of goalkeeping and over time we see improvements provided the goalkeepers listen and work hard to implement these points in practice and then in their games at the weekend.

We are already looking forward to next season which will re-start again on Wednesday 6th September 2017 and the application forms can be found here Click Here and will need completing and returning. Payment will be taken once we have confirmed a place within the group but applications need to be in as soon as possible due to the demand. A waiting list will then start once the group numbers are full and will be on a first come first served basis.

Have a good summer and look forward to seeing you all in September!

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